The LORD MICROSTRAIN 3DM-GX4™ family of miniature inertial sensors made the Machine Design Magazine "Top 101 Components" list (#65) based on how many times our products were clicked on by visitors. This list was chosen by the online magazine's readers – which is a great testament to their interest in our company!
About LORD MicroStrain
The range of LORD MicroStrain®sensing solutions includes inertial measurement systems, micro-displacement transducers, wireless sensor networks and energy harvesting technologies. Solutions range from rapidly deployed test and measurement to long-term embedded health monitoring. Applications include structural health monitoring, condition-based maintenance, navigation and control, environmental monitoring, and rotating component health. Recognized as a leader in the sensor industry, LORD MicroStrain has received numerous product innovation awards. For more information, visit
About LORD Corporation
LORD Corporation is a diversified technology and manufacturing company developing highly reliable adhesives, coatings, motion management devices, and sensing technologies that significantly reduce risk and improve product performance. For 90 years, LORD has worked in collaboration with our customers to provide innovative aerospace, defense, automotive and industrial solutions. With world headquarters in Cary, N.C. and 2013 revenues in excess of $880 million, LORD has more than 2,900 employees in 25 countries and operates 15 manufacturing facilities and nine R&D centers worldwide. LORD actively promotes STEM education and many other community engagement initiatives where we work and live. For more information, visit