Application Note: Rotorcraft Wireless Health Monitoring
LORD's Wireless Health Monitoring System for Rotorcraft
The operation and maintenance of rotorcraft can account for more than half of a platform's total cost of ownership.
LORD MicroStrain's rotorcraft wireless health monitoring systems provide a wealth of information about critical components for optimized maintenance planning and practice. Specifically, LORD's ruggedized wireless sensors enable the autonomous reporting and tracking of pitch link strain, landing gear load, structural loads and fatigue, bearing health monitoring, swash plate temperature and vibration, drive train torque, gearbox vibration, and flight regime recognition.
Tech Tips and Tricks: Importing Magnetic Vectors for Hard and Soft Iron Calibration For 3DM-GX3® Inertial Sensors
Barry Trutor,
Senior Technical Support Engineer, Sensing Systems
This month Barry explains how to import magnetic vectors for hard and soft iron calibrations on 3DM-GX3 Inertial Sensors.
LORD MicroStrain 3DM-GX3 -25, 3DM-GX3 -35 and 3DM-GX3 -45 inertial sensors contain magnetometers. The magnetometer values are available as fully calibrated outputs and are also used to correct heading drift in the Orientation Matrix, Euler Angles and Quaternion outputs. A field calibration of the magnetometer after final installation is highly recommended. This can be accomplished by using LORD MicroStrain Hard and Soft Iron Calibration software.
Tech Tips and Tricks: V-Link® -LXRS® Event Driven Sampling
Andrew Deering, Technical Support Engineer, Sensing Systems
This month Andrew explains how to configure Event Driven Sampling on the V-Link -LXRS wireless 7 channel analog input sensor node.
The LORD MicroStrain V-Link -LXRS Sensor Node has been upgraded to support the new Event Driven Sampling feature. Event Driven Sampling is available on V-Link -LXRS with serial number 2433-0001 and higher. This feature allows even greater flexibility when it is beneficial to only sample when a particular event threshold is crossed. This technical note provides a step-by-step guide to its use and assumes the user is familiar with V-Link and Node Commander software operation.
LORD MicroStrain® Volunteers in Burlington Community
On October 16th, seven LORD MicroStrain employees donated their time to the Howard Center, a local non-profit, to help paint the organization's new fence at their Burlington location.
The volunteer day was part of a three week corporate United Way charity drive which helped raise money for the greater Burlington community.
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